Psychotherapie Wechseln

Minna Kühn

Psychotherapie Wechseln
Psychotherapie Wechseln

Are you considering switching psychotherapists? It’s important to know that this is a common experience and it’s okay to do so. Sometimes, a therapist may not be a good fit for you or you may have found someone who better matches your needs.

Before making a switch, it’s important to do some self-reflection and understand why you’re feeling the need to make a change. Here are a few things to consider:

Reasons for Switching

Not Feeling Understood

One reason to consider switching therapists is if you don’t feel understood or seen by your current therapist. It’s important to have a strong level of trust and connection with your therapist. If you feel like your current therapist doesn’t understand you, it could be time to make a change.

Personality Mismatch

If you find that you just don’t click with your therapist, it may be due to a personality mismatch. It’s important to have a therapist who suits your communication style and personality. If you find that you don’t feel comfortable or like you can open up to your current therapist, consider making a change.

No Progress

If you feel like you’re not making progress with your current therapist, it’s important to assess why. Sometimes, it may be due to a lack of chemistry or a mismatch in treatment approaches. If you’ve been going to therapy for an extended period of time and haven’t seen any progress, it may be time to seek out a new therapist.

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Goals Not Aligned

As you progress through therapy, your goals may change. If you find that your current therapist is no longer aligned with your goals, it may be time to switch therapists. It’s important to have a therapist who can help you achieve your current goals and can adapt to changes in your needs.

Steps to Switching Therapists


Before making a switch, do your research. Look for therapists in your area who specialize in your current needs. You can use online directories or ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have been through therapy.

Get in Touch

Contact the potential new therapist and ask any questions you may have. It’s important to make sure that they specialize in your current needs and that they’re available for appointments when you need them.

Discuss with Current Therapist

Before ending your current therapy relationship, it’s important to have a discussion with your current therapist about your reasons for wanting to switch. This can help to give closure and can also allow for any potential misunderstandings to be cleared up.

Plan Next Steps

Once you’ve decided on a new therapist and have ended your current therapy relationship, it’s important to plan out your next steps. Make sure to schedule your first appointment with the new therapist and be prepared to discuss your reasons for seeking treatment and your therapy goals.


Switching therapists can be a difficult decision but it’s important to remember that it’s okay to do so. Make sure to assess your current needs and reasons for wanting to switch before researching potential new therapists. Once you’ve made a decision, be honest with your current therapist about your reasons for wanting to switch and plan out your next steps with your new therapist. With time, you’ll be able to find a therapist who fits your needs and helps you achieve your therapy goals.

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