Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie: What it means and why it matters

Minna Kühn

Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie: What it means and why it matters
Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie: What it means and why it matters

Are you considering pursuing a career in psychotherapy? Are you wondering what the Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie is and how it can impact your future career? Look no further, as we’ll explain everything you need to know about Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie in this article.

What is Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie?

Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie is a German term that translates to "additional certification in psychotherapy". This certification is granted by the regional chambers of psychotherapists to licensed medical practitioners who have completed additional training in psychotherapy.

This certification allows the licensed medical practitioner to provide psychotherapy to patients and bill for it separately from their medical services. It is important to note that while the Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie enables the medical practitioner to provide psychotherapy, it does not replace the specialized training and education of a licensed psychotherapist.

How to obtain Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie?

In order to obtain the Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie, the licensed medical practitioner must complete additional psychotherapy training. The training must consist of at least 600 hours of theoretical and practical work, including at least 100 supervised therapy hours.

After completing the training, the medical practitioner must pass an examination to receive the Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie certification. The certification must be renewed every five years by providing evidence of continued professional development and training.

Why is Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie important?

The Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie allows medical practitioners to incorporate psychotherapy into their practice, providing a broader range of services to their patients. It also allows patients to access psychotherapy services through their regular medical practitioner, without having to seek a separate psychotherapist.

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For medical practitioners, obtaining Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie can also improve their career prospects and professional reputation. They can demonstrate their expertise in both medical and psychotherapeutic fields, making them more attractive to employers and patients alike.


In summary, the Zusatzbezeichnung Psychotherapie certification provides licensed medical practitioners with the ability to incorporate psychotherapy into their practice, and patients with easier access to these services. It is obtained through additional training and examination and is crucial for those looking to broaden their career prospects in the psychotherapeutic field.

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